REDCap Resources

These units provide support for ASU REDCap users:

College of Health Solutions, Biostatistics Core – Jonathan Kurka PhD, Senior Research Analyst

Knowledge Enterprise, Research Technology Office – Kathryn Claypool, Research Data Manager – research data management support and consulting.

Edson College of Nursing and Health – SeungYong Han PhD, Assistant Research Professor/Data Lab Manager – supports all faculty, staff, and students at Edson College

REDCap Slack Channel

You can connect via the Slack channel: #help_redcap

Available across all ASU Slack grid workspaces – please use for quick questions and feedback

REDCap Training Event Requests

The Biostatistics Core and the Research Data Management team can host training events upon request. The following links will connect you to trainers. Individual users can also request training sessions using the same links.

Biostatistics Core can be contacted at [email protected] or by submitting a request (click here).

If your unit or research team is conducting a training event, please email the Biostatistics Core about the details and how others can join, if applicable. If you’re hosting a closed event, please still notify us, so we can gather this information in support of REDCap’s continued use at ASU.

Virtual Office Hours

Virtual office hours are available for users to ask any questions, seek guidance, report issues, or suggest new features. If time permits, there will be a brief demonstration on a REDCap module (innate or external).

Office hours are on Fridays at 10:00 AM – Available on Zoom